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The Speech Academy National Day 🌺 Super Savings

Save more when you invest in your child's education on 'Hari Merdeka'!

Enjoy up to RM400 worth of saving on our public speaking programmes this national day!

Great news for everyone!

We are offering our saving privilege to all new programme enrolments and renewals.

Find out more about the programmes we offer and secure your child’s place in our 2021 intakes now!

Terms and conditions apply.

To be seen as a leader, you need to move people with your words.

- Manoj Vasudevan, 2017 Toastmasters World Champion of Public Speaking

A person who is able to skillfully express himself or herself as an orator, especially early in life, is more likely to foster better friendships and relationships and build a larger network of collaborators.

Words are extremely powerful because you can use them to move people to act on your ideas. Public speaking champions believe that brilliant ideas are worth nothing until they are brought to life with the power of words.

If you want your child to grow as a leader and persuade people to invest in his/her ideas, you must also invest in his/her public speaking skills.

At The Speech Academy, your child can stand up and deliver a well-thought-out speech that resonates to achieve instant recognition and add momentum to further his or her purpose and help others achieve theirs.

Here are some of the experiences your child will have with us:

  • sharing and presenting in front of a group of audience

  • crafting prepared speeches based on monthly archetypes

  • attempting impromptu speeches ranging from 1 to 4 minutes

  • connecting and sharing ideas with learners of similar interests

  • learning new life skills including analytical thinking, critical thinking and problem-solving skill

  • acquiring new active vocabulary

  • gaining new writing techniques for school and other real-life application

  • practicing effective public speaking tactics

If you’d like your child to branch out and practice soft skills in real life, sign up for our virtual classes on our website. Not only will your child learn soft skills, but they’ll also learn how to be a team player, and they’ll learn about presenting online! We hope to see you on Zoom one day!

#SuperSavings #RaisingConfidentLeaders #FutureLeadersofMalaysia #MalaysiaBoleh #publicspeaking #leadership #SpeakingSkills #peopleskillsforkids #OnlineLearning #VirtualClassroom #continuouslearningforkids #InvestingInTheFutureLeaders

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