Does your kid grumble when it’s time to practice writing? Is getting them to write a simple story about as much fun as getting lemon juice in your eye? Maybe it’s time to try some fun writing guides instead.
Before diving into any sort of story writing, it’s helpful for kids to know the basic plot elements: characters, setting, problem/conflict, etc. Give your kids a few minutes to draw or sketch their character and think about their character’s appearance, personality, experiences, etc. They can do this on our Character Brainstorm sheet:
Remind your child that their character needs to fit the plot of their story. For example, if the character is a frail 80-year old grandma, her interests will probably be things like baking cookies, visiting her grandchildren, or watching dramas on TV, and NOT bungee jumping, car racing, or carrying out spy missions (although that WOULD make for an interesting story). The key is that kids understand that their character needs to seem real and not random.
You may also have your child choose a character from an actual book or story that he or she has read. That way some of the questions (like the character’s name, appearance, and likes/dislikes) would be easily answered, and some of the other answers would be invented but would still need to fit appropriately.
Your kid could have a character who was a cocky, loner alien whose best friend was a cat. It could start out as something random like that at first, but as this character is being introduced in the story, the readers should be able to picture the character in the context of an entertaining, science fiction tory.
Instead of jumping right into writing a story, give kids direction and allow them to use their imagination, regardless of the type of story they are writing. They can explore ideas on our Story Plot Sheet:
Writing will supplement any child's education and help them build some of the fundamental skills to help them become good communicators. Our set of "Think, Draw and Write" worksheets are a fun exercise for early writers. Take your child through our step-by-step guide on how he or she can learn how to structure a story to achieve an impressive composition.
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