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Connecting Children to their Roots Through Storytelling

It’s been more than a month since children have been home and away from schools. Thankfully, technology has brought education to our homes, and the learning happily continues.

Everyone knows that telling your children stories from your childhood and about various celebrations from your past will make them more familiar about the different customs and traditions prevalent in your family. Sharing stories about various family members will help them learn about their lineage better.

Not every human culture in the world is literate, but every single culture tells stories. Telling stories allows children to experience different worlds, countries, and traditions. It can help develop an appreciation of the rest of the world and different cultures. Storytelling has been proven to help develop a sense of empathy as children develop an understanding, respect and appreciation for other cultures. This can promote a positive attitude to people from different lands, races and religions.

Here are some ways in which storytelling can enhance intercultural understanding and communication. Stories can…

  • allow children to explore their own cultural roots

  • allow children to experience diverse cultures

  • enable children to empathize with unfamiliar people/places/situations

  • offer insights into different traditions and values

  • help children understand how wisdom is common to all peoples/all cultures

  • offer insights into universal life experiences

  • help children consider new ideas

  • reveal differences and commonalties of cultures around the world

Sparking a passion for reading from a young age is so important for a child's development, and it's fun! Zoom in with Ms. Chen in The Speech Academy Pajama Storytime session this February to uncover the many values and traditions of the Spring Festival.

Join our academy today to learn how to sharpen your child's life skills, overcome their fear of sharing their opinions, and help them master ways to deliver effectively each and every time. Brush up on their communication, leadership and entrepreneur skills and help them become independent learners here!

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