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The Smartest Children in History

Many great speakers started with no prior professional speaking experience, but a keen desire to standout in their field.

Michael Henry, CTO

YES! This is truly a life changing opportunity that can get your child off the sidelines and into the game!

Now is the time to unlock your child's TRUE POTENTIAL!

Be seen as a Leader the next time they speak. Become a respected influencer in the industry. Generate steady streams of impact, income and influence – while spreading ideas authentically.

Our public speaking course is a advanced skills-development course that helps any young learners to:

1 turbocharge presence, presentation and persuasion

2 share ideas effectively in front of teams

3 differentiate when pitching to customers, speaking confidently in front of people in authority and persuading others to accept ideas

Here are 5 Unique Benefits Your Child Receives With This Course

HIGH-IMPACT: Focusing on your child's transformation, not just dispensing information

STAGGERED: Monthly evaluation to ensure your child's transformation

ACCELERATED: Time-tested real life application activities that accelerates your child's learning, retention, implementation and transformation

CONVENIENT: Intensive virtual lessons to go against all odds and avoid wasting valuable time

LIFE-LONG: Invest in skills that can reward your child every day for the rest of his or her life

What our kids say?

The 8 areas we will focus on during the Professional Public Speaking Course are:

Excellence in Public Speaking Speak/present proficiently at schools, discussions, and keynote presentations

Excellence in Storytelling Keep audience engaged, connect with them emotionally and inspire them to take action

Excellence in Personal Branding Gain greater distinction, credibility and visibility Excellence in Authentic Influence and Persuasion​ Communicate with those in authority irrespective of medium - online, virtual, offline Excellence in marketing oneself and building online presence Discover the mindset and methods to achieve excellence in marketing oneself with clarity and confidence using effective low-tech/no-cost/low-cost/low-risk strategies so that more people know about your child's existence – providing them with more professional opportunities and invites to speak Excellence in Content excavation and speech crafting Assures your child never runs out of content to speak

Excellence in Delivery Present professionally on real and virtual stages of all shapes and sizes

Excellence in Handling Questions and Answers Practice Q&A like an authority with calm confidence even in front of large audiences and in a panel with people who are more experienced

As you can see, this is NOT another basic public speaking course! This is an unparalleled World-Class transformational coaching and mentoring program.

Our experienced trainers are standing ready to serve you. The question is, are you ready to upgrade your child' personal and professional life for greater significance, influence and fulfilment?

Gift your child the essential professional skill that rewards them every day for the rest of their life, sign up for our physical or virtual classes on our website. Not only will your child learn soft skills, but they’ll also learn about being a team player, and all about presenting off and online! Now Your Child Too Can Rock Every Time They Speak & Leave a Long-Lasting Impact!


#ParentTips #RaisingConfidentLeaders #softskills #ImpromptuSpeaking #publicspeaking #leadership #socialskills #peopleskillsforkids #extemporaneousspeech

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